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. . i <br /> . „".hi6t� �,� <br /> E�JUA� E�'1P�QY�tE�tT OP�QR i flPl I i! <br /> In the event of the cnrttrac�ar's. rcon-ccmoTianc` w;� th� p�yisions or t2ti5 <br /> � E�cca1 E�rpioyment Opportunifif Clause, the Illinois ,Hcunan Rtghts Ac� or the Ru1es <br /> an� Regul at�ores ar the I17�no�s �e�artrn�nt or H�una.n Ri ghts ("pe�ar-t�aent") , the <br /> cantractar rrtay be declared tnelig�bie far futur� c�ntracy`s or subcnntrac-`� wz�t <br /> the Stat_ QT IZIlnais or any ar it5 poZitical su6divis�ans oz- rminiclpaT corpo- <br /> � rat�ons, and the contract rrray be can�j 1 ed or voz ded i n �vrto1 e or i n part, and <br /> such other sanc��ans or penaltZes aray 6e impose� or r�edies tnvoiced as provzde� <br /> by statut� ar regulatiort. �uring tt�e pez-rors�ance o� this cnntrac�, the contrzcl�r <br /> agT-e=5 as �o I 1 ows: <br /> (I) ►nat t t wi 11 r�ot df sc�irnt Rat� agal nst any e.�np T oyea or appl i cznt for <br /> �nnToyrnent because or race, coTor, reTigioR, sex, mari�aT s''�,atus, natZonal ar�gin <br /> or anc�stTY, age, physTcaI or-rnental handic?p unreTatnd tn ab�llty, or �n ' <br /> unravor-ab T e d�scharge �m m�I i tary servi c�; znd �urther �`�at i` wi T T e:amine a11 <br /> 1Qb c i ass i ,"i catz orrs to deterni ne 1� m�nori ty persons or women zre under-utz 1 i zad II <br /> and wi 1 I talcz appr�pri at_ a;T7 t�ra,t�ve zcti on to• recti�y any sucit underuti 11 z�tz on_ �, <br /> (Z) T'nzt, i� it hirzs add���ana� �noloyees �R order t❑ per-�orn �his contr�ct I <br /> o�' anY Pai-tion� �her2or; it wtTT det�rn�ne �he availab�lt�y (in accordznc= wit.h � <br /> the Depart,�nt S Ru 1 es and Regul atZ ons) o� rt�i norZ ti es �nd women i n the �rea(s} I� <br /> `rom which it rnay re3sonabiy re;ruit �nd tt �Ni11 hir� �or eac:�r jab classi�lc�tiaR <br /> ror wni ch e�ployens are hi red in such a way thzt rrri rtari ti es and wam�� zr z not <br /> underut�lized_ <br /> (3) inat, in a1i solic�tztTons or advertis�en� for esrraioyes pTacad by it <br /> or oR its hehal ,-", i� wi11 s�` t`ta� ai7 appllcants w�1I be a��orded e�quaT oppor- <br /> tunity wit.haut dTscr�minztZan bec:use a� rzc_, caTar, r�l�gior�, s�,:, rrr�rit�I s�tus, <br /> natianal ortg�rt ar ances�rl, age, Fhysical or �ental handicap unr�Iat�d to ability, <br /> ar an un;avor�l e di sc�arge ft�om rtr'-1 i tary servi c=- <br /> �a� TR�� t� 'NZTj S2.R� �0 e=Ci`� Iz�ar Qi"�eII1Z3LZOR OT" T2�T252:1�Z�ZVE QTwarke:-s <br /> with WR1G�I it h�s or ts bound by a collectiv� bar-�aining or other agr��en� or <br /> �n�e�s�and1 ng, a noti cn zdvi sz ng such I a6or organl zati on or re�t-�s��,trti ve• aT t5e <br /> contractor's obllga�ons �nder the LlZinois Hurrran Rlahts Ac� znd the Oe�arc�nt's <br /> R�ies and ReguTztZons_ Ir any such labor argan�zatian or re�rzsentatZve� TaTT� or <br /> reTuses to cQoperate w�th the contractor in tts e��or`�s to comnly wlth s�c�z Act <br /> and Ruies and R�gula�ons, the cnntrzctor w�Z1 promp�Iy sa not��y �tie Oe�a uaent <br /> and the contt-ac-ting agency and wi1T rec:uit �nIIioyeas rrocn. other sourc_s wrten <br /> necnssarf to fu1�i 11 i ts o61 i gatzons ther�under. <br /> (5) T'nat i t w�1 I subm-i t reports as requi r-ed by the Oe�attrrent's RuTes•and <br /> ReguTations , furnish aIl retevant inTorrrratZon as rrsay �rom �ime to time be re- <br /> guestad by the �epartne�� or the cnntrzcting agency, and in aI1 respects c�moly <br /> with the IZTinois Human Rights Act and the Oe�ar-�ent`s Ruies and Regulat-ions. <br /> (e) Tf�at it wi T 1 permZt accnss to aIl rel evant books, records , acc�unts and <br /> woric si��s 6y personnel oT the cantract�ng agenc� and the Oepartrne.�t �ar purposes <br /> or inves�igation to asc_rtain cmm�Tiance with the I11ino1s Hu�ran Rights Act and <br /> the �e�aru-t�nt's Rc�Tes znd ReguTat�ons. • <br /> (7) inat Tt wi1T include veroatZrrt Qr by i'ZT2!2:7Ca the provzs�oRs o� this <br /> cla�cse ir� every su6contracc it awards uRder wi�ich any portlon or the con�ract <br /> obligat�ons are undertalcen or ass�d, so that suc:z prnvlsTons w�11 be bindina ' <br /> uPon such subcaRtractor. In the sacne manner as wTL`r other prvv�sions or u`�is <br /> contract, the corstractor wi 1 Z he 1 iahT e �ar corrp 1 i artc= wi�h apo 1 i ca6j e provz r'ons <br /> or thTs clzuse by sucn subcontrzc�ors; and �urther i� wi11 prnmotly noti�y the <br /> contracti Rg agency and� the �epar�ent i rt the even� zny su6contractar ��i T s or <br /> reruses to� compiy therewith. In addition, the cantr�ctor wi1T nat ut-i1�ze any <br /> suhconLractar decIared by the I1ltnois Human Rights CorrmissiaR to�be ineIigible <br /> for contracts or suhcontracts r��th the State oT I11 ino�s or any or its poTitical <br /> su6dlvisions or municipai corporations_ <br /> � (E�Tec�i ve �e�ruary 9, 1981. ) <br />