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II. Community Values and Vision. A summary of community values--what do we want our <br /> community to be in twenty years and how do we propose to get there? The successful applicant <br /> will organize and facilitate in cooperation with the Greater Decatur Chamber, the League of <br /> Women Voters, local newspapers and electronic media, a community visioning session or series of <br /> sessions to attempt to identify a consensus regarding the community's future. <br /> The successful applicant may propose any approach, such as the American Assembly-style <br /> weekend gathering of 100 to 150 citizens, provided the approach invites a broad spectrum of <br /> interests and opinions. The final values statement, which will not exceed five pages in length not <br /> counting appendices, will serve as the policy core of the comprehensive plan. <br /> III. Population &Demographics Element. This is a descriptive element, showing past growth <br /> trends and projecting future patterns throughout the community. The successful applicant will <br /> base this element upon the 1990 US Census or best available data. <br /> Phase Two. The second phase of the comprehensive plan will consist of three products. <br /> IV. Existing Land Use Map (ELLIM). This map will illustrate the city as it is, and will be <br /> prepared in a manner so as to allow amendment via Arc Info geographic information system <br /> (GIS) software with each change in actual land use (e.g. upon issuance of a certificate of <br /> occupancy). Land uses will include: single family residential, multi family residential, <br /> professional, civic and institutional, commercial, industrial, conservation, recreation and open <br /> space, and vacant. The successful applicant will rely upon existing data, when found reliable, but <br /> may use other methods of data gathering, including windshield surveys. The Existing Land Use <br /> Map's accuracy will be field-tested by staffto assure that a minimum standard of 95 % accuracy is <br /> met. The successful applicant may engage the services of temporary or part-time employees to <br /> perform the data-gathering. All methodologies will be subject to the approval of the City's GIS <br /> consultant to assure that the product is compatible with prevailing software. <br /> V. Future Land Use Map (FLLIM). This map or map series will depict the city as it will be in <br /> twenty-five years (i.e. in the year 2025), reflecting the population projections and estimates which <br /> appear in the Population&Demographics Element. Land use categories will be the same as in <br /> the ELUM, and will be keyed to the definitions which appear in the Future Land Use Element. <br /> This map will also depict lands which the City proposes to annex during that period. <br /> VI. Future Land Use Element(FLUE). This element will provide a textual summary and <br /> interpretation of the data gathered in the preparation of the E�sting and Future Land Use Maps, <br /> and applies the data of the Population &Demographics Element to deternune long-range (to <br /> 2025) land use needs by type. <br /> Specific contents will include: <br /> (a) an inventory of existing land uses; <br /> (b) definitions of land uses, keyed to the ELUM and FLUM. <br />