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. y <br /> Management Information Services Division ' ' <br /> Memorandum No.95-10 , <br /> Page 2 _ , <br /> Recognizing the need to maximize the effectiveness of the limited numbers of emergency <br /> services personnel which the City can deploy, and in light of the deficiencies of the existing <br /> system, City Council authorized the procurement of an integrated public safety support system <br /> comprised of improved Dispatch Center computer hardware, software, and related equipment to <br /> support consolidated dispatch of Police, Fire, EMS, Macon County Sheriff units, and other <br /> county emergency services. The system would include integrated software to bring all public <br /> safety functions into a single, unified information warehouse, and provide mobile data computers <br /> in selected response vehicles to provide officers direct, secure access to that information. The <br /> objectives of the system, as stated in the Request for Proposal issued, are to: <br /> a Streamline the processing of emergency calls for service from the general public and improve the ability to <br /> handle peak call loads. <br /> a Reduce duplication of effort by consolidation of common responsibilities and interfacing of information <br /> systems among various jurisdictions and levels of the public safety/criminal justice system <br /> � More effectively process the selection of units for assignment to calls and ensure that the optimum units are <br /> selected. <br /> � Reduce the time required for initial alerting and dispatch communications to assigned units and provide them <br /> with complete and accurate dispatch information. <br /> s Simplify the unit status monitoring function and relieve Dispatchers of most of the workload of this function by <br /> supporting direct entry of status information from the field. <br /> s Allow police officers in the field to prepare field reports from a mobile data device in an off-line mode and <br /> allow supervisors, either in the field or at headquarters to review,approve,or refer the report back to the <br /> originating off'icer for revision prior to commitment of the report to the records database. <br /> � Provide an audit trail to monitor modification/editing of existing reports for purposes of security and <br /> accountability. <br /> s Provide the capability to make various database inquiries from Police and Fire Units in the field,including: <br /> � Access to previously filed reports, records information,booking information, and, with the advent of NCIC <br /> 2000,mug shots. <br /> � Access to Fire PrePlan and hazardous materials informaUon keyed to the specific address at which service <br /> is requested. <br /> � Provide units in the field access to Electronic maiUmessaging and crime analysis/pattern information prepared <br /> for dissemination at headquarters. <br /> s Provide automated support to the monitoring of operations in a format suitable for computer analysis. <br /> Alternatives to provide this system have been under active investigation for the last 18 months. <br /> After initially paring down a list of over 25 potential suppliers to the 12 best qualified, NIIS <br /> Division and Emergency Communications managers prepared and issued a Request for Proposals <br /> for an integrated solution, which was reviewed and approved in advance by the City Police and <br /> Fire Chiefs, Public Building Commission Manager, and the Macon County Sheriff. <br /> The individual components of that integrated solution include: <br /> 1. Integrated Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Police Records software systems. <br /> including integral crime analysis, investigations management, electronic incident <br /> mapping, Enhanced 911 support, electronic filing of police reports, support for mobile <br /> data computers, and an interface to jail management software. <br /> 2. Computer hardware to support the selected system. <br /> 3. Digital dispatch consoles (electronics and furniture) that interface with the new software <br /> and hardware system. <br /> 4. Enhanced call logging and recording systems. <br />