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. , � , <br /> CONTRACT FOR SERVICES <br /> This agreement,entered in to as of this ay o 1990 by and between the City of <br /> Decatur (hereinafter referred to as " catur"), and th National Development Council, <br /> Inc., a not-for-profit Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of <br /> New York (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor"). <br /> WITNESSETHo � <br /> WHEREAS, Decatur is undertaking economic development and housing activities on <br /> behalf of the Decatur citizens; anci <br /> WHEREAS,Decatur desires to engage the Contractor to render certain technical advice and <br /> assistance in connection with such activities; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE,the parties do mutually agree as follows: <br /> 1. Scope of Services: The Contractor shall perform all of the necessary services <br /> under this Contract with and respecting the following Project Areas: <br /> A. Non-Profit Development Agency <br /> Contractor shall develop a Certified Development Corporation (CDC) to serve <br /> the City of Decatur. The CDC will be able to make SBA 5041oans, as well as <br /> supervise additional loan funds and other development projects. The Contractor <br /> will develop and submit the application to the Small Business Administration, <br /> provide Board training, assist in developing the operating policies and <br /> marketing the program, train the Decatur staff, and participate in the packaging <br /> and approval process for the initial loan applications. <br /> B. Downtown Development <br /> Contractor shall assist in the development of the Decatur central business <br /> district, including evaluation of the proposed hotel and medical projects, <br /> assembling the proiPct financing, solicitation of and negotation with potentiul <br /> developers. Contractor will not conduct feasability studies, but will assist <br /> Decatur in d�veloFin� promotienal mat�:ials for the dev�lopment site(s). If <br /> requested, Contractor will make its For-Profit development subsidiary, <br /> Community Development Group, Inc., available for the project. <br /> C. Housing <br /> Contractor shall identify and evaluate potential low and moderate income <br /> housing projects at sites identified by Decatur. Contractor will show project <br /> alternatives and any required Decatur financial contributions necessary to make <br /> the housing projects viable. Contractor will provide technical assistance to for- <br /> profit and non-profit developers identified by Decatur to implement the housing <br /> projects. If requested, Contractor will make its non-profit housing development <br /> THE NATIONAL <br /> DEVELOPMENT <br /> COUNCIL <br />